The post Fabric Coasters appeared first on Something to Craft About.
I made a set of coasters last year around Halloween. I never got around to making any more, so we’ve been using that same black bat covered set for a year and a half. I’m pretty sure I had them out for company at Thanksgiving. This weekend (when I was trying to keep busy and not eat) I decided it was time for a new set. These coasters are fast and easy. They would probably take less than an hour to complete. (I say probably because I switched the order of some steps and ended up ripping out stitches. Then I realized I wouldn’t have even had to do that.)
Charm squares would work great for these. I used some fabric that I got off the remnant rack. My husband thought they looked like coasters for a strip club. I like the leopard print. I think it’s cute and not stripperish at all.
I used Insul-Bright instead of plain batting. I like the extra protection. I’ve never had a problem here with the coasters getting too wet, but we don’t live in a humid area.
1. Cut your fabric and Insul-Bright into 5″ x 5″ squares. (I made a set of 8, I don’t like to have to look for coasters.)
2. Make quilt sandwiches with each set. Right sides out.
3. With 1/2″ seam allowance, sew around all the edges.
4. Sew diagonally from corner to corner, making an X.
5. Trim batting or Insul-Bright close to seams.
6. Clip a square at each corner, making sure you don’t cut the seams.
7. Clip around edges about every 1/4″. Be care not to cut your seams.
8. Wash and dry your coasters. It usually takes a couple of times the get it to fray well. My pictures are only after one washing.
The post Fabric Coasters appeared first on Something to Craft About.